Create Landholder profile

Already have a Steward profile? Login here first and then create your Landholder profile.

The name or title of the Profile.
Your profile photo will show in the contact info section of your land listing(s) and will only be viewable to those with an active Land Matching Steward profile and KLT staff members.
Upload requirements
This information will show in the contact info section of your land listing(s) and will only be viewable to those with an active Land Matching Steward profile and KLT staff members.
This information will show in the contact info section of your land listing(s) and will only be viewable to those with an active Land Matching Steward profile and KLT staff members.
This is for Kingston Land Trust internal use only, and only Kingston Land Trust staff will be able to view this information.
This information will show in the contact info section of your land listing(s) and will only be viewable to those with an active Land Matching Steward profile and KLT staff members.
This information will show in the contact info section of your land listing(s) and will only be viewable to those with an active Land Matching Steward profile and KLT staff members.
Phone Number
Optional label e.g. "Work", "Cell" or for brief use instructions e.g. Mon, Tues, Fri - 11am to 4pm
This information will show in the contact info section of your land listing(s) and will only be viewable to those with an active Land Matching Steward profile and KLT staff members.
This information will show in the contact info section of your land listing(s) and will only be viewable to those with an active Land Matching Steward profile and KLT staff members.
The Kingston Land Trust’s “Land Matching Portal” is designed and intended solely to provide and facilitate contact and communication between landholders and prospective land stewards. Any and all actions, arrangements, activities, projects, programs or relationships of any kind which may result or derive from such contacts or communications are and will be fully independent from the Kingston Land Trust and its “Land Matching Portal” and the Kingston Land Trust shall have no involvement, direct or otherwise, in, or any responsibility, legal or otherwise, for any of the same.